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Mental Health Services When Residing Internationally or Outside California

UC San Diego Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides both clinical and non-clinical services to students. 

NON-CLINICAL SERVICES are available to ALL students regardless of where they reside. 

  • Please refer to the Non-clinical services for ALL Students tab for more information 

CLINICAL SERVICES: At this time, CAPS and Student Health Services (SHS) are able to provide ongoing CLINICAL services to individuals located in California only. Therefore, if you are currently residing out of the U.S. or outside California, please refer to the information below for assistance. Please refer to the following tabs for more information:

  • Telus Health Student Support
  • Additional URGENT clinical services
  • Additional NON-URGENT clinical services with UC SHIP
  • Additional NON-URGENT clinical services with other insurance

Non-Clinical Services to ALL Students

The following services are available to ALL registered students regardless of insurance, or whether residing in or outside of California:   

  • Let's Talk: Consultation services to students who are seeking informal support and assistance with mental health and campus resources. Let's Talk sessions are designed to provide practical strategies, information, and support regarding general wellness-related issues. This is a great opportunity to chat with a CAPS counselor and ask questions about your well-being, accessing resources, and getting connected with CAPS. Visit the Let's Talk page.
  • Tritons RISE Workshops: Join CAPS and our partners with our RISE Performance Workshops. Based on principles from peak performance and the field of positive psychology, our RISE Workshops are here to promote you reaching your peak in all areas of your life: emotional, physical, and social. Visit our Tritons RISE Together page for more information.
  • Community Forums: Identity-based forums to serve diverse student groups. The forums allow students to connect with each other through in-person or Zoom meetings. These are spaces for undergraduate and graduate and professional students to build community and maintain relationships with one another. Please see the Groups, Workshops and Forums page, where you can find our Community Forums schedule.
  • iFlourish: iFlourish is an online self-care program. CAPS offers three self-guided technology programs that provide evidence-based interventions designed to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. They are desktop, mobile, or tablet-friendly. They are free, anonymous, and available exclusively to UC San Diego students. Please sign up using your UCSD email address at our iFlourish page.   

Telus Health Student Support

Telus Health Student Support for Students Living Internationally or Outside California


Telus Health Student Support provides University California, San Diego students living or residing internationally or Outside Calfornia with immediate and/or ongoing confidential, 24-hour support for any school, well-being, or general life concern at no cost to students. If you are currently living out of the country, Telus Health is a mental health resource for you. 

Telus Health Features

As a student, you can receive live and real-time support in multiple languages via the Telus Health Student Support app:

  • Real-time chat or phone support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (no appointment needed)
  • Short-term scheduled support available via phone or video (call to set up initial appointment)
  • App content and live support are available 24/7 in Mandarin, Cantonese (simplified Chinese text), Spanish, French, and English.  For other language preferences, you may request to be set up with a counselor who speaks that language (by appointment, depending on availability).
  • Access to virtual fitness sessions, wellbeing assessments, articles, podcasts, and more!
  • Confidential and at no cost to you!

NOTE: Telus Health is a support resource for registered UC San Diego students who are not residing in the U.S. or are currently outside California, and is not affiliated with clinical care services provided UC San Diego CAPS.  

Telus Health Setup and Instructions:

  • Download the Telus Health Student Support App for iOS and Android
  • You can download Telus Health Student Support by using the QR-Code image below
  • Select/Search for "UC San Diego" during setup
  • Input additional information requested (e.g., country, language)
  • Download Telus Health Instructions Tip Sheet (PDF)
  • You can also connect with Telus Health Student Support by calling 1.866.743.7732 or visiting  

Telus Health Student Support QR Code:

My SSP QR-Code

Additional URGENT Clinical Services

Is this URGENT?  Are you currently experiencing a mental health crisis?  If you have an urgent need, in addition to using Telus Health, you can talk to a mental health counselor by contacting:

For a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 (in the US) or your local emergency services.

Additional NON-URGENT Clinical Services with UC SHIP

Do you have the UC SHIP insurance and would like to obtain mental health services internationally? 

If you need care for non-emergency services you must first contact UCSD for a referral to see a doctor away from campus.  You can request a referral from the SHS Insurance Office at (858) 534-2124, from your SHS provider, or from CAPS by calling (858) 534-3755.  Offices are open 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (PST).

Please refer to the UC SHIP Benefits while Traveling page for information about UC SHIP coverage while you are international.

Keep in mind:  Worldwide coverage falls into the out of network tier of 60% coverage of reasonable and customary, after applying a $1000 deductible.  Students who receive care in a different country need to keep statements and receipts and file a claim back with Anthem for reimbursement.  See the UC SHIP Global Core Flyer (PDF) for more information.

See Instructions to obtain services after you have obtained a referral (PDF)


To identify a specific provider in your area using the UC SHIP, call Anthem BlueCard Worldwide Services at 800-810-BLUE (2583) to locate a doctor or hospital or go to to search for a doctor or hospital.  Here are some tips for searching:

    1. Enter the first three letters or numbers of the Member ID number on your card. For SHIP these are XDP
    2. Select Provider Type = Doctor/Dentist
    3. Enter your location
    4. Select Specialty = Mental Health or Psychology

Most providers do not accept foreign plans and will require that you pay for all services up front. If, using this search engine, you cannot find a provider in your area, you will need to find a provider on your own, and it will then be your responsibility to file a claim with Anthem Blue Cross.

Here are three other resources for locating mental health services internationally:

Additional NON-URGENT Clinical Services with Other Insurances

Please call the Member Services number on your insurance card and ask for assistance locating mental health resources in your area.  You may call CAPS at (858) 534-3755 to arrange for a case management appointment.

You can also consult with the following resources for locating mental health services internationally: